Monday, September 29, 2014

Ello? Who's There?


“Hi, Who is it?”

“We're not sure, but would you like to request an invite?”

       Ello, a new social network, has attracted the attention all across the internet this past week. What is this site? From what I can tell, this is an invite only site that incorporates elements of Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr but with more bugs and less features. The site has been called the “anti-Facebook” and it appears the main difference appears to be the exclusivity of the site, which is attracting many users. The site received more requests than it could even process in the past week; however the site has been launched since last March. Some believe the recent popularity is due to Facebook’s recent “real name policy”. The policy requires users to have accounts with their legal names and automatically deactivated many false accounts recently. This policy has been bashed by many in the LGBT community after many activists are speaking out about drag performers losing access to their accounts that did not use their legal names. Many LBGT community members are turning to Ello where there is not yet a policy restricting the name on an account. 
    How do users know if Ello is the next big thing or just a fad? I have yet to learn of any redeeming qualities of the site that are not already available via existing and more widely used social sites. Invites to this new site are being sold on eBay and some people are paying hundreds of dollars just to be a part of the site. Ello has released a list of potential new features and planned updates however no time line for these changes has been announced.
     It seems like there are always social sites claiming to be “the next Facebook”. It will be interesting to see how Ello progresses. I believe the site’s success depends on the next few moves. The lack of a “real name policy” as well as the invite only access and ad free network all have attracted a large group of users. However, to attract more users the site will need to appeal to a larger audience or meet the needs of a niche market. I think Ello needs to quickly determine whether or not the site wants to appeal to the same diverse and mass demographic group as Facebook or continue with the “anti-Facebook” vibe. 
     Currently, I see no appeal for a college student to be on the site, which was the first and primary target market when Facebook launched. On one hand, I don’t think Ello should try to follow in the footsteps of Facebook, especially if the site is trying to actually be the “anti-Facebook”. On the other hand though, Ello needs to establish and convey a unique feature, appeal, or specific target market to differentiate from Facebook soon, or risk being known as the invite only but less capable Facebook.  

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